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Steve jobs biography pdf in gujarati recipes vegetarian

Read "Should I Update My Mac to 10.11.4" for more info. UPDATE: the 10.11.4 update is out and I've seen zero problems with it. I've never seen a more problematic update. If you’ve already installed the 10.11.3 update and everything seems fine, consider yourself lucky if you haven’t installed it, play it safe and don’t install it. I’m seeing a lot of problems with Apple's 10.11.3 update. Actually, put them ABOVE the top of the screen- on the part…(updated March 29, 2016) put TWO fingers at the top of the screen. So bring up a web page- maybe this one!- and then switch to Reader mode, and then…. Web page in Safari, regular mode Same web page in Safari, Reader mode Reader mode simplifies the layout (making it nicer for you to read by eye as well). For web pages (in Safari) it makes sense to switch to the Reader mode, by tapping the Reader button at top left of the screen. Do it with a web page, or in News, or somewhere else with lots of text. Of course this works better if your iPhone is displaying something worth reading.

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You'll be an expert after doing it once, so give it a try. But it's a very particular swipe: a two-fingered down-swipe, starting above the glass. After you've turned on Speak Screen, having your iPhone read to you is just a swipe away. Yes, that's right: it turns pages in Books.) I use this feature to have my iPhone read news articles to me while I cook- sort of like listening to the radio. (The feature is called "Speak Screen" but it actually reads more than just the "screen." It will speak until it runs out of text, scrolling down past what you see on the screen, and even turning pages in Books.

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Works in Safari, works in Kindle, works in Books. Settings, General, Accessibility, Speech The Speak Screen feature has been around since iOS 8 and it’s still one of my favorites. You will be able to control the speaking rate later so don’t worry about doing it now. You have to take a trip to the Settings to enable this feature: go to Settings, then General, then Accessibility, then Speech, then Speak Screen (turn it ON). Testing for level, iPhone laying down flat Testing for level, iPhone on edge 2. Whether flat or on edge, when it's perfectly level the screen turns green. After swiping left, lay the iPhone down flat to see if your pool table is level (watch the bubbles ) or put it on edge to see if your paintings and TV are hanging straight on the wall. This brings up the little-known second page of the Compass app, which is really a level. The way you do it is you swipe left while looking at the Compass. Believe it or not, you check for level using the Compass app.

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Three cool things you can do with your iPhone, using apps that came with itPart of the fun of the iPhone is discovering "new" features that were there all along.

Steve jobs biography pdf in gujarati recipes vegetarian